SPOUG2024 chronicle

SPOUG2024 chronicle

I’m writing these lines on my way back to Valencia after attending the annual SPOUG event in Madrid. The Oracle Users Group of Spain has grown strong, and the event was centered around six conference rooms where, simultaneously, a series of talks and presentations on...
Upgrade your database DST… or not?

Upgrade your database DST… or not?

In 2019 they decided in Chile that the winter time adjustment would be 5 months, instead of the usual 3 months. Morocco also decided to move its time with respect to GMT from +00 to +01. These changes that you may think do not affect you in the least, unless you live...
Leap years in the Oracle database

Leap years in the Oracle database

This year 2024 is a leap year.   SQL> SELECT LAST_DAY(TO_DATE(’01/02/2024′,’DD/MM/YYYY’)) FECHA FROM DUAL; FECHA —————————– Thursday, 29 February 2024 In fact, each year divisible by four is a leap year, but throughout history many adjustments occurred to the...